
University Lectures

Teaching at the University

"The privilege of a university education is a great one;
  the more widley it is extended the better for any country."

— Winston Churchill

"A university should be place of light, of liberty, and of learning."

— Benjamin Disraeli

Current Lectures & Courses

University of Göttingen

Title: Practical Course in Anatomy and Physiology of Livestock
  Course 10 - Poultry
    (Lecture with training session (section))*

Orginal title: Übungen zu Anatomie und Physiologie der Nutztiere
  Kurs 10 - Geflügel
(Vorlesung mit Übung (Sektion))*

     *Lectures are given in german language

Module:   B.Agr.0358.Ue: Übungen zu Anatomie und Physiologie der Nutztiere (No.: 740016)

Head: Prof. Prof. mult. Dr. Dr. Bertram Brenig

Year(s): 2024 - now 

Term: Wintersemester
Frequency: every wintersemester
Expected no. of participants: 300 max. (20/week)

Faculty: Agricultural Sciences
Programme: Bachelor/Agricultural Sciences

Module description: here

Title: Practical Course in Anatomy and Physiology of Livestock
  Course 07 - Male sexual organs (cattle)
    (Lecture with training session (section))*

Orginal title: Übungen zu Anatomie und Physiologie der Nutztiere
  Kurs 07 - Männliche Geschlechtorgane (Rind)
(Vorlesung mit Übung (Sektion))*

     *Lectures are given in german language

Module:   B.Agr.0358.Ue: Übungen zu Anatomie und Physiologie der Nutztiere (No.: 740016)

Head: Prof. Prof. mult. Dr. Dr. Bertram Brenig

Year(s): 2024 - now 

Term: Wintersemester
Frequency: every  wintersemester
Expected no. of participants: 300 max. (20/week)

Faculty: Agricultural Sciences
Programme: Bachelor/Agricultural Sciences

Module description: here

Former Lectures & Courses    Archive

University of Göttingen

Title: Practical Course in Anatomy and Physiology of Livestock
  Course 06 - Heart and Lungs
    (Lecture with training session (section))*

Orginal title: Übungen zu Anatomie und Physiologie der Nutztiere
  Kurs 06 - Herz und Lunge
(Vorlesung mit Übung (Sektion))*

     *Lectures are given in german language

Module:   B.Agr.0358.Ue: Übungen zu Anatomie und Physiologie der Nutztiere (No.: 740016)

Head: Prof. Prof. mult. Dr. Dr. Bertram Brenig

Year(s): 2022 - 2023 

Term: Wintersemester
Frequency: every wintersemester
Expected no. of participants: 300 max. (20/week)

Faculty: Agricultural Sciences
Programme: Bachelor/Agricultural Sciences

Module description: here

Title: Diseases of wild animals and dogs (Lecture with training session)*

Orginal title: Wild- und Hundekrankheiten (Vorlesung mit Übung)*

*Lectures are given in german language

Module:   B.Forst. 1212.Mp.: Wild- und Hundekrankheiten (No.: 700451)

Head: Prof. Dr. Stephan Neumann

Year(s): 2021 - 2023

Term: Summersemester
Frequency: every summersemester
Expected no. of participants: 150

Faculty: Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology
Programme: Bachelor/Forest Sciences

Module description: here

Title: Doctoral Seminar – „Forum Doctorum“
– Current topics in veterinary- and wildlife medicine (Orations)*
(former informal: "Ph.D.-Students-Meeting" until 2023)

Orginal title: Doktorandenkolloquium – „Forum Doctorum“
– Aktuelle Fragestellungen in der Veterinär- und Wildtiermedizin (Vorträge)*
(vorher informell: "Doktorandentreffen" bis 2023)

*Orations and lectures are given in german and english language

Module:   P. FORST / P. AG.  N/A (No.: N/A (see module description))

Head: Prof. Dr. Stephan Neumann

Year(s): 2021 - 2023

Term: every semester
Frequency: every semester (summer & winter)
Expected no. of participants: 5 -15

Faculty: Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology
Programme: Doctoral Programmes

Module description: here

HAWK - University of Applied Sciences and Arts

Title: Hunting Seminar - part: wildlife diseases & venison hygiene

Orginal title: Jagdliches Seminar - Part: Wildtierkrankheiten & Wildbrethygiene

*Lectures are given in german language

Module:   WF: Jagdliches Seminar

Head: Prof. Dr. Stephan Neumann & Mr. Gerhard Büttner & Mr. Roman Spenner

Year(s): 2022

Term: Wintersemester
Frequency: every wintersemester
Expected no. of participants: 50

Faculty: Resource Management
Programme: Bachelor/Forestry

Module description: here